My Favorite Pictures of 2010
I am bored, so I am posting.
Here are just a few, okay a ton, of my favorite pictures of 2010.
I have had such a fun and eventful year, from getting engaged, to getting married to saying goodbye to my family.... My business has grown a lot too. I have never been this busy with pictures, and I feel like I am learning lots, and establishing a good style for myself too.
I am really looking forward to the new year. I have a lot of big goals and plans for myself that I look forward to achieving and seeing the changes I can make for myself in my life.
In March of this year I attended a Nichole Van workshop. I have been a long time fan of her work and was so excited to be able to meet let alone learn from her. It was a week jam packed of fun, yummy food and lots and lots of gorgeous pictures and learning.
On I think one of the last days she had some models come out that we were able to work with. This was my favorite shot.
The Le'Sabe. Dave drove this beast of a car for a while. It was horrid on gas, and broke down oh so often, but I loved the look of the car. So of course, we did a shoot with it.
The shot below makes me miss my sisters. I love it so much!
The Ring! I took these shots soon after getting engaged. I love my ring! It's so unique!
This is one of my favorite pictures of us. My hair looks adorable and my skin looks perfect (with next to no editing!) And oh how I miss the lighting on my parents old porch. Seriously the most perfect even lighting.
Dave got this shot of Christina at a little homecoming luncheon we went to. I love it so much. Dave really has a good eye. I have a goal this year to get him his own schnazzy camera so we can start team shooting.
He is so supportive, helpful, and willing to be dragged along to my shoots and I love him so much for that! Not to mention all the awesome photoshoot ideas he comes up with which we have yet to shoot and share..!
Yummy Summer! A random little shoot, with not much story but some fantastic shots! I keep meaning to blow this one up. I will some day.
Oh and I can't leave out my birthday Masquerade. Such a fun surprise party put on by my family and friends with plenty of yummy food!
A lucky little lady I was this year! I got to fly to Denver, Colorado to see some dear dear friends and shoot my girlfriends adorable little wedding! I still am oh so in love with the shots I got! They were so easy to work with, so up for anything and so in love.
I loved her dress, oh. so. much.
Oh and I got married too! On August 13th!
Here are some of our engagements...
And the big day....

Tate and Chole! Our Photographers kids, who we love so much!
Our photographer was the best!


The family below is so adorable. I have babysat for them for a long long time. It's so fun to watch a family grow, even though it makes me feel so old. Hahaha. Thanks for being so fun to shoot!
This little girl is a part of family of some very close family friends. They live pretty far away now, which really is sad, but they are all so adorable and I miss having them close by! This little one is so so cute! When we were all done she said, "Oh, that's it? That was easy." (heart)
My Uncle and now Aunt. I loved shooting them. They are truly perfect for each other, so photogenic and so easy to work with. I have so many photos from their session that I love, but I'll just share this a fewn... I loved the night shots so much! I am really proud of them.
Ralph and Trang. Their wedding day was prime. His white tux was great! And the lighting on their wedding day was perfect. I have shot a handful of weddings this year and loved them. I already have three weddings I'll be shooting in 2011 and I am oh so excited!
These newborn shots are really nothing fancy, or extraordinarily creative, but I am pretty proud of them. I feel like I have a hard time shooting newborns. I can't bribe them with candy to smile or pose in a specific way like I can (not that I do *cough cough*) with other clients.... But I feel this shoot went well and I got some adorable shots of an adorable baby.
I shot a lot of family shots this fall, and got lots of shots I love! All the families looked good and were great to work with, but I will just re-share one! Isn't he adorable? Soon after we did this shoot, his family invited us over for dinner. For desert we had root-beer floats, and he was soupset when we were out and he wasn't getting any more. It was so funny!
Oh my adorable cousin Britney. We shot some Senior pictures for her at Flour Girls and Dough Boys. I love that little bakery/cafe. They are so yummy! And the decor of the place is so photogenic! I had always wanted to do a shoot there, and I finally got to! My girlfriend Mallory also did Britney's hair! She did such a wonderful job! We have big plans to work with each other a lot more on shoots! Keep an eye out for more details on bigger and better photo packages!
This family is so so adorable! When we started the shoot with the little family the oldest said "Adria, you're beautiful. You're my girlfriend." And the other boy said, "Mine too!"
I love this family shot. All of the kids were so cute! They were pretty done with the pictures at this point, but this shot is one of my by far faves.
Thanks to everyone for making this year a good one! Looking forward to seeing you all in 2011!